Nouns – Exercises

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Write the femine form.

  1. lernanto →  student → female student
  2. ĉevalo →  horse → mare
  3. amiko →  friend → female friend

Write the nouns in accustive plural.

  1. hundo → Mi havas tri  .dog → I have three dogs.
  2. okulo → Kutime ĉiu homo havas du  .eye → Normally, every person has two eyes.
  3. viro → Ni vidis kvin  .man → We saw five men.

Complete the sentences with the accustive or nominative form.

  1. La manĝas .subject → hundo
    object → viandon
    The dog is eating meat.
  2. La legas la .subject → the man
    object → a book
    The man is reading a book.
  3. aĉetas .subject → mi
    object → glaciaĵon
    I am buying ice-cream.
  4. La estis skribita de la .subject → letter
    passive agent (with preposition = nominative) → patrino
    The letter was written by the mother.
  5. Ĉu serĉas ?subject → vi
    object → viajn okulvitrojn
    Are you looking for your glasses?