Prepositions are short words that are used with a noun or pronoun to indicate place, time, manner or cause.
Pro la bela vetero sinjoro Valero decidis lasi sian aŭton en parkejo kaj piediri hejmen post la fino de sia laboro.
Nouns and pronouns used with prepositions are mostly used in nominative. This excludes prepositions that indicate both place and movement – for movement we use the -n ending.
The following list of prepositions in Esperanto details commonly used prepositions with examples.
List of Prepositions
Prepositions of Time
Esperanto | English | Usage | Example |
Prepositions of Place
Some of the following prepositions indicate place whilst others indicate movement/direction. Some prepositions indicate both place and movement, so we use the -n ending for movement to differentiate between the two. See below: Position or Direction.
Esperanto | English | Usage | Example |
Position or Direction/Movement?
Some prepositions indicate both place and direction/movement. To differentiate between the two, we add the accusative -n ending to nouns and pronouns that accompany prepositions of direction.
Nominative Position (where?) | Preposition | Accusative Direction/Movement (where to?) |
La tablo staras antaŭ la sofo.The table is in front of the couch. (1) | antaŭ | Kiu metis la tablon antaŭ la sofon?Who put the table in front of the couch? (1) |
Du musoj sidas apud la kato.Two mice are sitting next to the cat. (2) | apud | Du musoj sidiĝas apud la katon.Two mice are sitting down next to the cat. (2) |
Fiŝo naĝas en la akvario.A fish is swimming in the aquarium. (3) | en | Kato subakviĝas en la akvarion.A cat is diving into the aquariam. (3) |
Kato sidas inter du musoj.A cat is sitting between two mice. (2) | inter | Kato sidiĝas inter du musojn.A cat is sitting down between the two mice. (2) |
Kato estas malantaŭ la sofo.A cat is behind the couch. (4) | malantaŭ | Kato iras malantaŭ la sofon.A cat is going behind the couch. (5) |
Hundo dormas sub la tablo.A dog is sleeping under the table. (6) | sub | Muso iras sub la tablon.A mouse is going under the table. (6) |
Bildo pendas super la kato.A picture is hanging above the cat. (7) | super | Kial neniu pendigis bildojn super la sofon?Why didn’t anybody hang pictures above the couch? (7) |
Kato sidas sur la kuseno.A cat is sitting on the cushion. (8) | sur | Kato grimpas sur la sofon.A cat is climbing onto the couch. (9) |
Kelkaj katoj nur estas vizite. Ili vivas trans la strato.Some cats are just visiting. They live across the street. (10) | trans | La kato grimpas trans la vazon.The cat is climbing over the vase. (10) |
Other Important Prepositions
Esperanto | English | Usage | Example |
anstataŭ | instead of |
da | of |
de | by, from |
inter | between |
je | (preposition with no fixed meaning) |
kontraŭ | against |
krom | apart from, except for |
kun | with |
laŭ | according to |
malgraŭ | despite, in spite of |
per | with, by means of, through |
po | each |
por | for |
pri | about,concerning |
pro | because of |
sen | without |