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Look at the picture and complete the text with the right preposition.
- Paŭlo vivas malgranda a building → enPaŭlo lives in a small house.
- Li vivas tie 2005.since → ekde/deHe has lived there since 2005.
- lia domo estas to → apudNext to his house there is a hotel.
- Ĝi estis konstruita tri jaroj la onklo Paŭlo, kiu estas arkitekto.1st gap: ago → antaŭ
2nd gap: by who + 3rd gap: possessive → deIt was built three years ago by Paŭlo’s uncle, who is an architect.
- Precipe la semajnfinoj multaj turistoj diversaj landoj tranoktas la hotelo.1st gap: for the duration of a specific period of time → dum
2nd gap: origin → el
3rd gap: in a building → enLots of tourists from different countries stay in the hotel, especially for the weekend.
- La hotelo estas la urbocentro, sed la turistoj povas iri la urbocentron buso.1st gap: outside of → ekstere de/eskster
2nd gap: into something → en (followed by nominative making al and ĝis not possible)
3rd: how (public transport) → perThe hotel is outside of the city centre but the tourists can go into the city centre by bus.
- La bus-haltejo estas la alia flanko la strato, la turistoj devas iri la straton.1st gap: on a particular side → sur
2nd gap: of → de
3rd gap: cross the street → transThe bus stop is on the other side of the street, the tourists have to walk across the street.
- Tamen kiam ili revenas, ili povas eliri la buson tuj la front of → antaŭBut when they come back, they can get off the bus in front of the hotel.
- Ĉiun semajnfinon multaj personoj siaj familioj pendolveturas la hotelo kaj la urbocentro.with/accompanied by → kun
2nd gap: between two places → interEvery weekend, many people commute between the hotel and the city centre with their families.
- Sed la semajnfinoj preskaŭ neniu uzas tiun buson Paŭlo, kiu ofte veturas la biblioteko.1st gap: outside of something → ekster
2nd gap: apart from someone → kromBut outside of the weekend, almost nobody uses the bus, apart from Paŭlo, who often goes to the library.
- Tial lundo vendredo la buso haltas tie nur unufoje tago, la deka horo.1st/2nd gap: from … to → de … ĝis
3rd gap: a day → po
4th gap: at what time → jeThat’s why, from Monday to Friday the bus only stops once a day at 10 o’clock.