Articles – Exercises

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© Anna Velichkovsky -

Decide whether or not you need the article la.
If you don’t need the article, use the minus symbol (-)


Iam estis   knabino.mentioned for the first time, identity is not important → no articleOnce a upon a time theres was a girl.   knabino loĝis en   malgranda vilaĝo proksime de   arbaro.1st gap: the girl has already been mentioned → with article
2nd gap: some village (identity is not important) → no article
3rd gap - two options:
1st - a specific forest (the one near the village) → with article
2nd: - some unknown forest (which exact forest is not important) → no article
The girl lived with her mother in a small village near the/a forest. Ŝia avino loĝis en   bela dometo en   arbaro.1st gap: the house is mentioned for the first time → no article
2ng gap: the same forest that was mentioned before → with article
Her grandmother lived in a pretty little house in the forest. Kiam   knabino estis eta, ŝia avino kudris   kufon el   ruĝa veluro por ŝi.1st gap: the girl has already been mentioned → with article
2nd gap: the cape is mentioned for the first time → no article
3rd gap: type of material → no article
When the girl was little, her grandmother sewed her a cape made of red velvet.   kufo estis tiom bela, ke   knabino ĉiutage surhavis ĝin; tial ĉiuj nomis ŝin   Ruĝkufulino.1st and 2nd gap: the cape and the girl have already been mentioned → with article
3rd gap: name/proper noun → no articlel
The cape was so beautiful that the girl wore it every day, so everybody called her Little Red Riding Hood.

Unu tagon   avino malsaniĝis.the grandmother has already been mentioned → with articleOne day the grandmother became ill.   patrino venigis   Ruĝkufulinon en   kuirejon kaj diris:a specific mother (Red Riding Hood’s mother) → with articleThe mother called little red riding hood into the kitchen and said: “Ĉi tie estas   kuko kaj   vino, alportu ilin al   avino.” 1st and 2nd gap: first time the wine and cake have been mentioned → no article
3rd gap: the grandmother has already been mentioned → with article
“Here is (some) cake and wine, bring them to your grandmother.”

Kiam Ruĝkufulino eniris   arbaron, ŝi renkontis   lupon.1st gap: the forest has already been mentioned → article
2nd gap - 2 options:
1st: first mention of the wolf → no article
2nd: because the wolf plays a big part in the story and many people know this fairytale already, we could also use an article here.
As Little Red Riding Hood entered the forest, she met a/the wolf.
“Kien vi iras, Ruĝkufulino?”   lupo demandis.the wolf has already been mentioned → with article “Where are you going Little Red Riding Hood?” asked the wolf.
“Mi iras al   dometo de mia avino,” respondis Ruĝkufulino. “Mi havas   kukon kaj   vinon por ŝi.”1st gap: a particular house (her grandmother’s house) → with article
2nd and 3rd gap: first mention of cake and wine for the wolf → no article
“I’m going to my grandmother’s house” answered Little Red Riding Hood. “I have cake and wine for her.”

“Ĉu vi ne volas pluki   florojn por via avino?”   lupo proponis. “Rigardu,   belaj floroj tie certe plaĉus al via avino.”“Don’t you want to pick (some) flowers for your grandmother?” suggested the wolf. “Look, your grandmother would surely like the beautiful flowers over there.”
1st gap: flowers are mentioned for the first time (unspecified flowers) → no article
2nd gap: a specific wolf → with article
3rd gap: specific flowers (the ones over there) → with article

“Prave!” diris   knabino kaj komencis pluki   florojn.1st gap: a specific girl (Little Red Riding Hood)
2nd gap - 2 options:
1st: - a few of the flowers → no article
2nd: - all of the flowers → with article
“Thats right!” said the girl and began to pick (the) flowers.

Sed   lupo rapide kuris al   domo de   avino.all three have already been mentioned→ all three with articleBut the wolf ran quickly to the grandmother’s house. Ĝi saltis sur   liton, kie   avino dormis kaj englutis ŝin.1st gap: a specific bed (the one where the grandmother lay) → article
2nd gap: the grandmother has already been mentioned → article
He jumped onto the bed where the grandmother was sleeping and swallowed her. Poste ĝi surmetis   vestaĵojn de   avino kaj kuŝiĝis en   liton.1st gap - 2 options:
1st: some of the grandmother’s clothes → no article
2nd - the specific clothes that the grandmother was wearing → article
2nd and 3rd gap: The grandmother and the bed have already been mentioned → article
Then he put on the grandmother’s clothes and lied down in the bed.

Finfine, Ruĝkufulino alvenis al   dometo. Ŝi malfermis   pordon kaj eniris.1st gap: the house has already been mentioned → article
2nd gap: a specific door (the entrance of the house) → article
Finally, Little Red Riding Hood arrived at the house. She opened the door and went in. Ŝi ne rekonis   lupon kaj komencis paroli kun ĝi. Sed   lupo englutis ankaŭ ŝin. Sata li nun ekdormis kaj tre laŭte ronkis.1st and 2nd gap: the wolf has already been mentioned → articleShe didn’t recognize the wolf and began to talk to him. But the wolf swalled her too. Satisfied, he then went to sleep and snored very loudly.

Kiam   ĉasisto preterpasis   domon, li miris, kial   maljuna virino tiom laŭte ronkis.As a/the hunter was walking past the house, he wondered why the old lady was snoring so loudly.
1st gap: - 2 options:
- first mention of the hunter → no article
- a particular hunter (in this forest there is only one) → article
Li rigardis tra   fenestro kaj vidis   lupon.1st gap - 2 options:
1st: - he looked through one of many windows → no article
2nd: - the gradmother’s bedroom only has one window → article
2nd gap - 2 options:
1st: - the wolf is new to the hunter → no article
2nd: - the wilf has already been mentioned → article
He looked through a/the window and saw a/the wolf. Per   tranĉilo li malfermis   ventron de la lupo, de kie Ruĝkufulino kaj ŝia avino eliris.1st gap - 2 options:
1st: - first mention of the knife → no article
- a specific knife (the hunter only has one knife on him) → article
3rd gap: a particular belly (the wolf’s belly) → article
With a/the knife, he opened the wolf’s belly and Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother came out.