Construction and Comparison – Exercises

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Put the adjective in the correct form (singular/plural, nominative/accusative).

  1. Niaj (nova)   najbaroj estas (afabla)  .nominative, plural (identified by the -j in najbaroj which the adjective also receives)Our new neighbours are friendly.
  2. Via hundo havas (mallonga)   hararon.accusative, singular (identified by the -n in felon, which the adjective also recieves)Your dog has short hair.
  3. En mia ĝardeno estas (bela)   floroj.nominative, plural (identified by the -j in floroj, which the adjective aslo receives)In my garden there are beautiful flowers.
  4. Tiu viro surhavas (nigra)   jakon kaj pantalonon.accusative, plural (accusative -n ending from the noun, plural -j ending, because the adjective modifies both nouns - black jacket and black trousers)That man is wearing a black jacket and black trousers.

Choose an adjective or an adverb.

  1. La infano ĝojas pri glaciaĵo.granda (adjective) describes the noun glaciaĵoThe child is happy about a big ice-cream.
  2. La hundo bojas .laŭte (adverb) describes the way the dog barksThe dog barks loudly.
  3. Hodiaŭ estas .when there is no noun/pronoun in a sentence, we use an adverb (hodiaŭ = today = adverb of time)Today it is warm.
  4. La arbo estas .aĝa (adjective) describes the noun arboThe tree is old.
  5. Nia kato ofte dormas en nia ŝranko.malgranda (adjective) describes the noun ŝrankoOur cat often sleeps in our small cupboard.

Complete the sentences with malpli/malplej … or pli/plej mal…

  1. rapideco:
    bradipo (3 m/min), heliko (0,5 m/min), giganta testudo (6 m/min)

    La bradipo estas ol la giganta testudo, sed la heliko estas la besto.All three animals are slow (they are some of the slowest animals in the world) so we use mal- before the adjective.The sloth is slower (literally: less fast) than the tortoise but the snail is slowest (literally: least fast) animal.
  2. alteco:
    Mont-Everesto (8848 m), Blanka Monto (4810), Kilimanĝaro (5895 m)

    Kilimanĝaro estas ol Mont-Everesto, sed la monto el inter la tri estas Blanka Monto.All three mountains are high (they are some of the highest mountains in the world), so we use mal- before pli/plej.Mount Kilimanjaro is smaller (literally: less high) than Mount Everest but the smallest (literally: least high) of the three mountains is Mont Blanc.
  3. profundeco:
    Vostok Lago (670 m), Malavia Lago (706 m), Bajkalo (1642 m)

    Malavia Lago en Afriko estas ol Bajkalo en Siberio, sed la el inter la tri estas Vostok Lago en Antarkto.All three lakes are deep (they are three of the deepest lakes in the world) so we use mal- before pli/plej.Lake Malawi in Africa shallower (literally: less deep) than Lake Baikal in Siberia, but the shallowest (literally: least deep) of the three lakes is Lake Vostok in Antarctica.

Write the adjective or adverb in right comparative form.

  1. Trajno ne estas tiel (rapida)   aeroplano.Adjective (comparison between two nouns)
    key word: tiel… kiel
    The train is not as fast as the plane.
  2. Mi kuiras multe malpli (bona)   vi.Adverb (modifies the verb cook)
    comparative (key word: malpli)
    I cook worse than you.
  3. Mario estas la (inteligenta)   lernanto de sia lernejo.Adjective (describes the person)
    Superlative (key word: la before the adjective)
    Mario is the smartest/dumbest pupil at his school.
  4. Lia kato estas (granda)   kiel mia hundo.Adjective (comparision between two nouns)
    Positive (key word: kiel)
    His cat is as big as my dog.
  5. Alan manĝis (multa)   el inter ĉiuj knaboj.Adverb (describes the verb eat)
    Superlative (key word: la before the adverb)
    of all the boys Alan ate the most/least.
  6. Pomoj estas (sana)   ol terpomfingroj.Plural adjective (comparison between two plural nouns)
    Comparative (Key word: ol)
    Apples are healthier than chips.
  7. Tio estas la (bela)   urbo kiun mi konas.Adjective (describes a noun)
    Superlative (key word: la before the adjective)
    That is the most beautiful/the ugliest city that I know.
  8. La knabino saltas tiel (alta)   ŝia frato.Adverb (describes the verb jump)
    Positive (key word: tiel)
    The girl jumps as high as her brother.
  9. Hodiaŭ pluvis (forta)   ol hieraŭ.Adverb (describes the verb rain)
    Comparative (key word: ol)
    Today it rained harder than yesterday.
  10. Oranĝoj gustas pli (dolĉa)   citronoj.Adverb (describes the verb taste)
    Comparative (key word: pli)
    Oranges taste sweeter that lemons.