Cardinal Numbers


Cardinal numbers are basic numbers. We use them to indicate how much of something there is.

Counting in Esperanto is particularly easy because you only need 1-10 and 100 to be able to count to 999.

The Numbers

0 nulo 10 dek 20 dudek 30 tridek
1 unu 11 dek unu 21 dudek unu 31 tridek unu
2 du 12 dek du 22 dudek du 40 kvardek
3 tri 13 dek tri 23 dudek tri 50 kvindek
4 kvar 14 dek kvar 24 dudek kvar 60 sesdek
5 kvin 15 dek kvin 25 dudek kvin 70 sepdek
6 ses 16 dek ses 26 dudek ses 80 okdek
7 sep 17 dek sep 27 dudek sep 90 naŭdek
8 ok 18 dek ok 28 dudek ok 100 cent
9 naŭ 19 dek naŭ 29 dudek naŭ 1000 mil


Because the numbers build logically upon one another in Esperanto, we only need to learn the numbers 1 - 10 and 100 in order to count to 999.

12 = ten + two = dek du
43 = forty + three = kvardek tri
98 = ninety + eight = naŭdek ok
300 – tricent
598 – kvincent naŭdek ok
We have to pay attention to which numbers are written together and which are written separately, see the table below:
5 9 8
kvincent naŭdek ok

Thousands, Millions etc.

The words milthousand, milionomillion, miliardobillion, bilionotrillion, biliardoquadrillion are also written separately.

7024 – sep mil dudek kvar
9815 – naŭ mil okcent dek kvin
5.435.689 – kvin milionoj kvarcent tridek kvin mil sescent okdek naŭ