Spoken Form
We use ordinal numbers to say the date in Esperanto. The month is added with de (and is never said as a number). The year is a cardinal number used without a preposition.
- Example:
- Today is the nineteenth of August/the eighth two thousand and fourteen.
→ Hodiaŭ estas la deknaŭa de aŭgusto du mil dek kvar.
As a translation of on we add the accusative -n to the day. Everything else stays the same.
- Example:
- It happened on the thirteenth of December nineteen ninety-five.
→ Tio okazis la tridekan de decembro mil naŭcent naŭdek kvin.
Written Form
To write the date, we use numerals in the British English style of day/month/year. The numerals can be separated by a slash (/) or a dash (–).
- Example:
- 30/03/2015
- 30-03-2015
We can also write the month as a word. In this case we have to write la before the day and de before the month and add the ordinal number ending -a or -an to the day.
- Example:
- la 30a de marto 2015
- Leipzig, la 30an de marto 2015
Day of the Week
Esperanto | English |
lundo | Monday |
mardo | Tuesday |
merkredo | Wednesday |
ĵaŭdo | Thursday |
vendredo | Friday |
sabato | Saturday |
dimanĉo | Sunday |
Esperanto | English | Esperanto | English |
januaro | January | julio | July |
februaro | February | aŭgusto | August |
marto | March | septembro | September |
aprilo | April | oktobro | October |
majo | May | novembro | November |
junio | June | decembro | December |