We use fractions to indicate partial amounts. We find them in maths as well as cooking recipes (½ litre water).
1/2 | duon… | 1/10 | dekon… |
1/3 | trion… | 1/20 | dudekon… |
1/4 | kvaron… | 1/100 | centon… |
1/5 | kvinon… | 1/1000 | milon… |
We use a cardinal number as the numerator (the number above the line). We usually leave out the number one.
We use the ending -ona as the denominator (the number below the line) when the fraction is used as an adjective.
- Example:
- En tiu glaso estas duona litro da biero.There is half a litre of beer in the glass.
We use the ending -ono when the fraction is used as a noun.
- Example:
- Mi trinkos nur duonon de la biero.I will only drink half of the beer.
If the numerator is more than one, the denominator takes the plural -j ending.
- Example:
- 2/3 → du trionoj
- 5/8 litroj → kvin okonaj litroj
If the fraction is an object without a preposition, the denominator takes the accusative -n ending.
- Example:
- Mi manĝis trionon de la salato.I ate a third of the salad.
- Ni bezonas tri kvaronajn litrojn da lakto.We need three quarters of a litre of milk.