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Adjective – Write the opposite of the adjectives.
- dekstra orelo → oreloright ear → left ear
- nova biciklo → biciklonew bike → old bike
- alta domo → domohigh building → low building
- multaj vizitantoj → vizitantojmany visitors → few visitors
- laŭta voĉo → voĉoloud voices → quiet voices
Different types of words – Write the opposite of the underlined word.
(Watch out for possible plural and/or accusative endings.)
- Ĉiuj estas miaj amikoj. Mi ne havas .Everbody is my friend. I don’t have any enemies.
- Nia kato amas la najbaran katon, sed la najbaran hundon ĝi .Our cat loves the neighbour’s cat, but she hates the neighbour’s dog.
- Sanulo flegas .The healthy care for the ill.
- En mia sonĝo aperis fantomo. La fantomo diris ion, rigardis min kaj .In my dream, a ghost appeared. The ghost said something, saw me and disappeared.
- La postoficejo ne estas antaŭ la urbodomo, ĝi estas la teatro.The post office isn’t in front of the town hall, it’s behind the theatre.
- La pordo estas fermita, sed la fenestroj estas .The door is closed, but the windows are open.
Complete the table with the missing words.
adjective | opposite |
strong | normal | weak | weak | normal | strong |
huge |
grandabig |
biggish |
smallish |
small |
tiny |
exquisite |
belabeautiful |
pretty |
a bit ugly |
ugly |
hideous |
vigorous |
fortastronge |
somewhat strong |
weakish |
weak |
[feeble |
ecstatic |
feliĉahappy |
happyish/somewhat happy |
somewhat sad |
sad |
miserable |
really fat |
dikafat |
somewhat fat |
somewhat thin |
thin |
thin as a rake |