VocabularySyllables for Word FormationAnimalsVocabulary Exercise: Animals Vocabulary Exercise: Animals show special characters display incorrect answers Pets and Farm Animals Complete the table GeneralMaleFemaleBaby (general)Ugly hundodog male dog bitch puppy mongrel/mut ĉevalohorse stallion mare foal mule/ugly horse katocat male cat/tomcat female cat/queen kitten ugly/feral cat azenodonkey ass/jack jenny/janet donkey foal ugly donkey kuniklorabbit buck doe baby rabbits ugly rabbits anserogoose gander female goose gosling ugly goose Wild Animals Complete the table. GeneralMaleFemaleBaby (general) cervodeer buck doe fawn kapreoloroe deer roe deer buck roe deer doe roe deer fawn aproboar boar sow piglet ursobear boar sow cub lupowolf dog bitch pup On the Menu Complete the table. GeneralMeat bovocow beef porkohog, pig, swine pork birdobird poultry anasoduck duck meleagroturkey turkey kokochicken chicken fiŝofish fish