Reflexive Pronouns – Exercises

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Choose the right reflexive pronoun.

  1. Li razas .He shaves himself.
  2. Ni vestis .We dressed ourselves.
  3. Vi parolas pri .You talk about yourself.
  4. Ŝi vidas en la spegulo.She sees herself in the mirror.
  5. Paul rigardas la nubojn super .Paul looks at the clouds above him(self).

Write the reflexive pronouns in nominative or accustaive.

  1. Ŝi ŝatas la tablon apud  .She likes the table next to her.
  2. Vi lavas  .You wash yourself.
  3. Li rigardas la herbejon sub  .He looks at the meadow beneath him.
  4. Ni amuzas  .We amuse ourselves.
  5. La hundo vidas birdon super  .The dog sees a bird above him.