Participle Clauses – Exercises

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Active participle

Complete the sentecnes with the right form of the participle.

  1. (pasigi)   la tutan tagon ĉe la plaĝo, vespere mi havis sunbrulon.beforehand → -int-
    cause/reason for the action in the main clause → -e
    Having spent the whole day at the beach, I was sunburnt in the evening.
  2. (fajfi)   kanton, ŝi dancis tra la domo kun la ŝ the same time → -ant-
    time (while she whistles) → -e
    Whistling a tune, she danced with the mop around the house.
  3. (festi)   sian naskiĝtagon vespere, ŝi finis laboron pli frue tiun tagon.afterwards → -ont-
    cause/reason for the action in the main clause → -e
    Celebrating her birthday in the evening, she finished work earlier that day.
  4. (pentri)   la bildon, la fiera infano ĝin montris al sia patrino.beforehand → -int-
    time (after he/she had painted it) -e
    Having painted the picture, the proud child showed it to his/her mother.
  5. (veturi)   feriumi la venontan matenon, ni enlitiĝis frue.afterwards → -ont-
    cause/reason for the action in the main clause → -e
    Going on holiday the next morning, we went to bed early.

Passive participle

Complete the sentences with particple form.

  1. (blindigi)   de la suno, la veturisto ne vidis la haltŝ the same time → -at-
    cause/reason for the actio in the main clause → -e
    Blinded by the sun, the driver couldn’t see the stop sign.
  2. (prepari)   de la ĉefkuiristo mem, la manĝaĵo estis tre bona.beforehand → -it-
    cause/reason for the action in the main clause → -e
    Personally prepared by the chef, the food was very good.
  3. (kanti)   de li, ĉiu kanto sonas the same time → -at-
    cause/reason for the action in the main clause → -e
    Sung by him, every song sounds wonderful.
  4. (ekzameni)   la venontan monaton, ŝi nun studas tage kaj nokte.afterwards → -ot-
    cause/reason for the action in the main clause → -e
    Examined next month, she is studying day and night.
  5. (naski)   en Pollando, ŝi kreskis en Slovakio.beforehand → -it-
    1st option: two facts that refer to the person → a
    2nd option: the contrast is to be stressed (Although she was born there, …)-e
    Born in Poland, she grew up in Slovakia.

Mixed Participles

Complete the sentences with the right participle form. Decide whether you need the active or passive participle.

  1. (trinki)   litron da akvo, ŝi urĝe serĉis necesejon.She drank and litre of water then she searched → active participle
    beforehand → -int-
    Reason for action in main clause/anteriority (after) -e
    Having drunk a litre of water, she urgently searched for a toilet.
  2. (iri)   al edziĝfesto, ŝi surmetis sian plej belan robon.She went after putting on her dress → active participle
    afterwards → -ont-
    Reason for the action in main clause → -e
    Going to a wedding (later), she put on her most beautiful dress.
  3. (parki)   en la strato, la aŭto estis hajlodifektita.the car was parked and then damaged → passive participle
    beforehand → -it-
    Reason for the action in the main clause → -e
    Parked on the street, the car was damaged by hail.
  4. (rikolti)   pomojn de la arbo, li falis de la ŝtupetaro.he was picking apples and fell → active participle
    at the same time → -ant-
    time (during) -e
    Harvesting apples from the tree, he fell off the ladder.
  5. (veturigi)   al lernejo de sia patro, Emilia faris siajn hejmtaskojn en la aŭto.she was being driven and was doing her homework at the same time → passive participle
    at the same time → -ant-
    time (during)-e
    Being driven to school by her father, Emilia did her homework in the car.

Change the underlined part of the sentence into a participle clause.

  1. Dum ni sunumas ĉe la plaĝo, ni ĝuas la vivon.
     , ni ĝuas la vivon.simultaneous, active event → -ant-
    time (during) -e
    Sunning ourselves on the beach, we are enjoying life.
  2. Kiam la knabo estis puriginta siajn dentojn, li povis rigardi televidon.
     , la knabo povis rigardi event in participle clause took place before the event in main clause → -int-
    time (after) -e
    Having cleaned his teeth, the boy was allowed to watch TV.
  3. Kiam la knabino estis portata de sia patro, ŝi estis feliĉa.
     , la knabino estis feliĉa.simultaneous action, passive in participle clause → -at-
    time (while) -e
    Being carried by her father, the little girl was happy.
  4. Kiam ili trovis la sekretan insulon, ili komencis serĉi la trezoron.
     , ili komencis serĉi la event in particple clause took place before the event in main clause → -int-
    time (after) -e
    Having found the secret island, they began to look for the treasure.
  5. Ĉar ŝi estas instruata hejme de siaj gepatroj, ŝi ne iras al lernejo.
     , ŝi ne iras al lernejo.simultaneous action, passive in participle clause → -at-
    reason for the action in main clause → -e
    Taught at home by her parents, she doesn’t go to school.